Soul Friends

In 2021 All the King’s Horses Equine Rescue partnered with Soul Friends of CT. 

Soul Friends, Inc is a nonprofit established in 2003 with a mission to provide innovative clinical and educational programs that promote the healing benefits of the human-animal bond and nature therapy for at-risk children.

At our rescue Soul Friends is partnering with our horses and is providing individual equine assisted psychotherapy and grant funded group therapy. A shared office space is also provided at our farm.  If you are interested in experiencing the benefit of the healing nature of horses, please contact Soul Friends, Inc for an intake.

“Today we partnered with Velvet and she became our Wishing Horse, clients put what they wished for in the New Year (could be open or closed) on her coat (only kept on for about 15 minutes during sessions) then they had to take their wishing horse for a walk @ the paddock say their wishes out loud. They could bring the wishes home with them or send they away into the universe! Great sessions today!!”
Liz Caplan

Wallingford group offers equine therapy for veterans, first responders Record Journal Article About Soul Friends  |  203-679-0849