Soul Friends

In 2021 All the King’s Horses Equine Rescue partnered with Soul Friends of CT. 

Soul Friends, Inc is a nonprofit established in 2003 with a mission to provide innovative clinical and educational programs that promote the healing benefits of the human-animal bond and nature therapy for at-risk children.

At our rescue Soul Friends is partnering with our horses and is providing individual equine assisted psychotherapy and grant funded group therapy. A shared office space is also provided at our farm.  If you are interested in experiencing the benefit of the healing nature of horses, please contact Soul Friends, Inc for an intake.  |  203-679-0849

“Kat is an amazing equine partner in every way, she is one of the most intuitive living beings I’ve ever encountered. It doesn’t matter how old the client is or their level of comfort, she makes you feel comfortable by her calming, and kind presence. Her body language is very direct in what she needs from you, she exudes confidence and does not hesitate to approach in the gentle way.  Observing and working with Kat has resulted in many engaging conversations with our clients about their own desire to be clear, confident and what that might look like for them. She is a favorite to work with. We are so very fortunate to have Kat as an equine partner."
Liz Caplan

"Kat is a very special soul. From the first week of coming to All the King's Horses she has been all about people. Kat is often a favorite Equine Assisted Therapy Partner with our clients at Soul Friends. Kat is a great example of a clear communicator, kind, friendly and funny. She chooses to engage with clients and that is one of the things we most appreciate about her. Typically when a horse turns their hind end towards you and backs up in your direction it is an indicator of discomfort and their way of asking for you to move out of their space. With Kat it is her way of telling you to please scratch her behind : ) and as you do it, you see the smile on her face, lip quivering, head outstretched. She makes it very clear she is enjoying a human's touch. It makes for great conversation about trust, human trusting that she is asking directly to fulfill her needs and not showing discomfort. It is also about being direct and clear about what she wants, those experiences with Kat provide opportunities for great conversations, how a client ( mostly children ages 8-18) can utilize these same skills of communication, developing confidence, trust and asking for what you need to help them in their daily lives.In addition, our clients often grapple with anxiety, being in the presence of Kat's calm and kind nature also helps them to relax  Just sitting in a paddock, observing,  touching, grooming her, leads them to open up more in sessions. We are so fortunate to have Kat as our therapy partner. She has and will continue to make a difference in many lives."


A Unique Partnership: All the Kings Horses Equine Rescue and Soul Friends (

Pictured equine specialist Kim Severance of Soul Friends (left) and All the Kings Horses Equine Rescue (ATKH) founder Mary Santagata with rescue horse Kat at ATKH in Northford, CT.