Help Us Help Them

All The Kings Horses believes saving is the easy part and ensuring a “happily ever after” is a true rescue.

Our Mission

Since 2010 we have saved over 140 equines. We remain in contact with all of our adopters of our horses to ensure all equines that have passed through our rescue remain safe. We believe saving is the easy part and ensuring a “happily ever after” is true rescue. We provide all our horses with a safety net and will take back ANY horse adopted through our organization that may require an alternative placement.

Meet "Kat"

Kat is a resident of our rescue and is a healing partner via our partnership with Soul Friends, Inc.  She is a very special mare who came to us directly from the United States Forest Services Devils Garden Wild Horse Territory in 2022.  She was rounded up in 2021 with a facial trauma she endured while being wild for 16 years.


We have a partnership with the United States Forest Services, Alturas, CA office.  This is a unique partnership which we celebrate. The USFS allows us to rescue wild horses who are rounded up with pre-existing injuries.  In the past or with other government agencies these horses would usually be euthanized.

Success Stories


Nevada (now named Teddy) is an American Mustang we saved from a feedlot in North Carolina. After we helped to...
Read More about Nevada


Darla came to us as an owner surrender in very poor condition, and blind in one eye. We rehabbed her...
Read More about Darla


We rescued Erin, an American Mustang, from a Texas feedlot where she would have been sent to slaughter. We trained...
Read More about Erin


We rescued Miley from a livestock auction in 2017 and brought her back to health. We found a perfect home...
Read More about Miley